Here is Zoe waiting to get on the plane in Calgary.
It is amazing how time flies. My little girl is almost one! On Zoe's 10 month birthday she got to fly on a plane for the first time. We were flying to Ontario to visit Ryan, Billie and Natasha. Zoe is becoming her own little person. She is crawling every where and enjoys playing with toys. Her favorite toys are ones that she can stand up and play or really noisy ones ;) Zoe loves pulling herself up and has just recently mastered getting back down, before she would cry for help when she wanted to sit down. Zoe is an amazing eater, she eats almost double what Ally eats! Her favorite foods are macaroni and yogurt. She had her shots today and she is only 15lbs 15 oz! She is in the 3rd percentile for weight, 10th for height, 90th for head size and when all combined she is in the 25th. She is doing well. The crazy thing is that if she continues at this rate she will weight about a pound less than Ally did at a year.
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