
Monday, July 14, 2008

Here's our baby!

I was so excited for this ultrasound, I really wanted to see the baby but then once I started drinking the water I began to remember why I hate ultrasounds. I don't know any details but the baby seems healthy, stubborn and despite me not feeling much moving alot. The tech had a hard time getting all the pictures and I had to keep laying on one side and then switching to the other and back again. Mike decided he wanted to find out the gender but our baby is stubborn and like its Aunty Alicia, practicing yoga moves, because she (yes, she) was sitting cross legged with her ankles right in front impeding the money shot. The ultrasound tech took a guess from her looking around that the baby is a girl. I am guessing that is about 60-75% accurate - so in a way both Mike and I got our ways because we won't know difinitively for another 20wks!

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1 Comment:

Karly said...

Adorable baby you are growing! Congrats on a healthy girl or possibly boy. ;)