
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Party- Part 2

The Presents - Alexandra was wonderfully spoiled and got some really great things.

This the chair that she got from Maddy, Reid and Rachelle.

An fridge magnet that teaches the alphabet from Auntie Nicole

A fun tunnel from Ryla, Ber and Tammy.

She also got:
A very cute pink outfit from Daymond, Chris and Leslie
A fabulous red outfit from Great Grandma Reynaud
A little Tykes Plaything from Grandma and Grandpa
Two little people sets and Elmo TMX from Mike and I
and we are also getting Alexandra a new sibling :)

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mlafayette said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting!!! I had to read the sentence a few times to make sure I read it properly. Did you know when I was visiting or did you just find out?

Shannon said...
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Shannon said...

a new sibling! Congratulations...that's awesome news Melynda!! When is the new arrival arriving?

Melynda said...

Thanks! The new one is coming in November. I am very excited.