
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting ready to walk

Alexandra is pulling herself up on everything! She has no fear, sometimes she almost gives a heart attack with how daring she is. And today she just started cruising around the furniture. I am betting that she will be walking by her birthday!

I am a horrible mom! Today, Alexandra fell off the bed! I know it is horrible. I looked away for just a second just bend down to grab some clothes and in a split second she rolled over and crawled off the bed.

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1 Comment:

Karly said...

If you are a horrible mom, then at least I am in good company! I swore Kailey would never fall off the bed on my watch...who know those kids could move so fast?! Luckily, they are bouncy and less traumatized by such experiences than we are.

I hope you don't mind, but I tagged you for a meme over on my blog. :-)