Alexandra is pulling herself up on everything! She has no fear, sometimes she almost gives a heart attack with how daring she is. And today she just started cruising around the furniture. I am betting that she will be walking by her birthday!
I am a horrible mom! Today, Alexandra fell off the bed! I know it is horrible. I looked away for just a second just bend down to grab some clothes and in a split second she rolled over and crawled off the bed.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Getting ready to walk
Posted by Melynda at 7:01 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
My little Helper
Alexandra loves to be right in the middle of everything that Mike and I are doing. Here she is "helping" clean up after dinner. I think that if the fridge door was a little more sturdy she would be pulling everything off the shelf.
Posted by Melynda at 7:56 PM 2 comments
New Nephew
On Wednesday, January 23 my nephew Adlai Charles Alexander Crampton was born. He was born in water and caught by his dad (Pat) and quickly snuggled on his amazing birther Mom's (Alicia) chest. He was 7 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long. I was very honored and was invited to support Alicia and Pat in the birth of their second child. It was so amazing and beautiful! I really love births! I have been really lucky and have been able to attend 3 births and they have had tremendous impact on my life. I will hopefully post pictures but I need to obtain permission first.
Alexandra was wonderfully taken care of by her daddy and Aunty Danielle and Uncle Jason. Alexandra got to wake her daddy up at 4 am for the first time! Mike doesn't function very well with waking up at night so while I was away supporting Alicia and Pat, Mike took over the night duties.
Posted by Melynda at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Adlai
Sunday, January 20, 2008
My Birthday

Posted by Melynda at 9:16 PM 1 comments
A little lost in the prairies
Mike and I enjoy taking back roads and trying new ways to get somewhere. Today we took 772 from close to Calgary hoping it would go straight to Didsbury. Unfortunately after 40 minutes and the road winding west we ended up in the Hamlet of Madden, west of Crossfield. So after all that driving we had only made to Crossfield, which is about half way to where we wanted to end up.
Posted by Melynda at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Posted by Melynda at 8:38 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Waking up
Here Alexandra is just waking up from her nap. I love how warm and cozy she and it is so wonderful when she wakes up in a great mood.
Posted by Melynda at 6:32 PM 0 comments
Yesterday Alexandra and I went swimming with our good friends Tammy, Ber and Ryla. We went to Cardel Place, which is fantastic! It has the best little toddler area, it is warm so the adults who are sitting stay warm and for skinny crawlers like Alexandra. Alexandra and Ryla crawled all over. After swimming both girls passed right out, which is a very rare occurance! They both slept for 20 minutes or so in our arms.
Posted by Melynda at 6:31 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Peek a boo!
Our favorite game right now is peek a boo and Alexandra loves to play it with anything that covers her face. Tonight at dinner she decided that she was done eating and pulled her bib off, which was a first and then started playing peek a boo with it.
Posted by Melynda at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Too many toys
I have created a little corner of our living room for all of Alexandra's toys. She loves having everything close together and has just figured out how to get toys out of the toy box.
Posted by Melynda at 7:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
At Daddy's Office
Last night we went and brought Mike dinner because he had to work late. After dinner Alexandra explored his office and loved all fun tools, server racks, and other paraphenalia that are not safe for babies. She had a blast crawling around and has started pulling herself up on things.
Posted by Melynda at 12:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Auntie Nicole
Alexandra loves her Auntie very much and just loves to be with her. Alexandra gets excited every time she sees Nicole. Here Nicole is babysitting and also trying to keep Alexandra from playing with her stuff and from crawling off of the couch.
Posted by Melynda at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Ahhhh....she is asleep! It is so nice that she sleeps in the car so well. I can actually pick her up and put her back down in her crib and she won't wake. Somedays I wish I could go driving all night.
Posted by Melynda at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Baby legs
Alexandra and I had a fun shopping day yesterday. We got a new carrier, a mei tai and some baby legs (shown in the picture). I love these, they keep her legs warm but don't add to much bulk so that she can crawl easier and they should be great for when she is in the sling so her pants don't ride up.
Posted by Melynda at 8:38 AM 2 comments
Fun Diaper
I just got for my birthday from Pat and Alicia, these great g-diapers. I really wanted them for our trip and for times when we go to away. The diapers are half disposable and half cloth and the best part, at least for me is that they don't smell like disposables. They work well so far, I have only tried them once but the fit is great. The neat thing about these diapers are that they are flushable and/or compostable. If you are interested check them out at
Posted by Melynda at 8:34 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Finally on the chart
Alexandra is a slow gainer and because of that we have been seeing one doctor or another almost every two weeks since was born. And today when she had her shots, she is finally on the charts, in the 3rd percentile!! She is 14lbs 10oz and 27 inches long! I am very proud of her and I am very happy because now I can worry less about how much she is eating.
Posted by Melynda at 6:49 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Playing with Daddy
Alexandra's favorite toy right now are her balls, she has a blue one and a yellow one. She loves to play with her daddy and this is a picture of them playing her favorite game with the ball. She puts it in Daddy's mouth, he shakes his head, she laughs hysterically and then tries to get it with her mouth.
Posted by Melynda at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Crawling Adventures
Alexandra has figured out how to crawl under the kitchen table to get at the toast she drop earlier at Breakfast.
Posted by Melynda at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Crawling Video
Here is a video of Alexandra crawling. I am in love with her crawling right now so there will be more to come. Also I have to apologize for the poor quality our camera doesn't do low-light very well.
Posted by Melynda at 11:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Alexandra has finally mastered crawling. She is doing so well that she can even crawl on the tile before she would just slide. She is enjoying her mobility because now when I live the room she can follow me. She is still pretty slow so it takes her awhile but she can do it. She also loves to walk, she gets so excited and is so proud of herself when someone helps her walk.
Alexandra enjoying spaghetti.
Posted by Melynda at 7:24 PM 1 comments