
Saturday, October 16, 2010


Zoe loves to paint but not neccesarily on paper.

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Georgia - One Week Old

Georgia's first week has been pretty busy. She got to stay in her first hotel, visit Grandma Jan's, be at two holiday meals and battle with a blocked tear duct. She is a night owl which is fairly normal but she takes it to extremes and likes to be awake from 1 am until 5am or later.

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Zoe and Georgia

Zoe loves to hold and give kisses to Georgia.  She asks several times a day.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Zoe and Georgia

I wasn't sure what Zoe's reaction to Georgia would be to her new sister but on Wednesday when she came home from her morning out she demand to,"Hold. Baby. Peas." It melted my heart. Here is Zoe holding Georgia with Grandma's assistance.

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Grandma Jan and Georgia

Grandma Jan came out as soon as we got home to meet Georgia.

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Grandma and the girls

Enjoying the new sister.

Comparing hand size. It is amazing how much Zoe has grown since Georgia arrived.

Grandma and her 3 grand children.

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Ally & Georgia

Ally & Georgia
Originally uploaded by Subversive99
Ally absolutely adores Georgia and calles her Georgia Roo, which I think is so adorable! Ally wants to hold her as much as she can and almost held her for an hour yesterday.

Georgia Ruth

Georgia Ruth
Originally uploaded by Subversive99
Our third daughter made her arrival quickly Monday morning October 4. She was born at 1:24am and weighed 7lbs 8oz. She was born at the Arbour Birth Center. Ally got to be there and see her birth. Also in attendance was Grandma Lori, Aunty Alicia, Rachelle and of course my hero who has gotten labour support done to an art Mike.

Ally & Zoe

Ally & Zoe
Originally uploaded by Subversive99
This was taken at the fire station on October 2. Can you believe that it was warm enough not wear coats?

Ally & Mommy in silhouette

This is a picture of me at 38 weeks pregnant and Ally.

All of us

All of us
Originally uploaded by Subversive99
This the last picture of us as a family of 4.

Melynda & Ally

Melynda & Ally
Originally uploaded by Subversive99
Here is Ally and I. Isn't she just precious?

Zoe Kisses

Zoe Kisses
Originally uploaded by Subversive99
A couple weeks ago Mike set up his little studio and took some great pictues of us. Here is Zoe and I kissing.