
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Special Breakfast

Ally and Zoe both have to help in the kitchen these days. It makes for a fun and interesting cooking experience. Here is Mike and the girls making chocolate chip pancakes.

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So tired

Poor Zoe was so tired one day that she fell asleep waiting for dinner to be ready.

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Getting Ready for #3

The girls and I have been getting excited for our baby to come. We decided to decorate a recieving blanket for the baby. The girls had a great time and want to do more.

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Boulet Reunion

Over the August long weekend we drove up to Northern Alberta, to a small town called Guy which is close to Peace River. It was the longest drive that we have taken with the girls and it went amazingly well. I was so impressed! We had a great time meeting cousins from all over, learning a bit of French and camping. The family reunion was for my side of the family, my Great Grandmother Rose was the eldest of 9 sibling and most had very large French Catholic Families, one family had 12 kids! It was a well organized and fun event!

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This summer we got a chance to see and take pictures of a funnel cloud. It was really cool! I felt like we were storm chasers, it did get a bit scary when the hail came. It sounded like it could break a window. We did find out later on that we were pretty stupid and that if the tornado had actually formed it would have been really dangerous, something like an f5! So I think next time we will just go home.

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