
Thursday, May 6, 2010


Zoe has decided to start experimenting with walking. She can walk across the living room but if she needs to go somewhere in a hurry she still prefers crawling. She still will only walk on her terms. The helmet in the above pictures is not for safety but I think more of a fashion choice. Zoe loves hats and she wore this helmet for an entire afternoon.

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Here are Ally and Zoe taking care of their babies.

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Playing on the Deck

Ally and Zoe love playing on the deck. They don't care if it is warm or cold out there. Their favorite game is to stand on either side of the door and knock on the window and giggle. I love how well they play together, it gives me hope for when #3 comes along.

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Ally recieved a tiara making kit for her birthday from Ryan, Billie and Natasha. She loves it and really enjoyed making her tiara. She is still in love with doing crafts and she demands to do something every day.

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Cousins and Grandma Jan

In the middle of April, Ryan, Billie and Natasha came out to visit. I unfortunately forgot my camera every time we went out and I am ashamed to say that I only have one picture of Natasha with her cousins. We did plan a big family get together and it was fun seeing all five cousins playing together.

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Bike riding

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Ally's New Bike

A couple weeks ago, it actually felt like spring, so I decided to go and get Ally a run bike. She did really well on her tricycle last year and this year I wanted to get her started on a big girl bike. I love the concept of the run bike so Grandma, Grandpa, me and the girls packed up and went out to Linden, where there is an awesome bike shop.

Ally loves her bike and is getting the hang of it. I think she will be an expert by the end of the summer if not sooner.

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Happy Birthday Ally!

My baby is 3!

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Happy Birthday Girls!

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Party time

Ally and her friends loved playing on all the neat equipment. It was great because the parents could visit a bit. We actually wished we could have rented the place for longer.

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Ladybug Party

Ally had a joint party with her cousin Kaya this year. We rented a play space in Calgary and it was a blast! Here are the pictures of the cake that my friend Deyelle and I decorated. I think this is the best cake I (we) have done.

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Dancing Queen

Ally had a blast at the dance. Once the music started, which was the pre-dinner elevator type music she had to start dancing. Near the end of the night when she was tired she perfected a sitting dance style. She wouldn't even dance with me because she was afraid I would make her go to bed.

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Belle of the Ball

Ally loves to wear pretty dresses. She actually picked this dress out herself. She also loves to dress up in her princess dresses.

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Little Mermaid

We spent a weekend at West Edmonton Mall and Ally loved the big tub. She also got to spend time with her cousin Paige and she played mini -golf and saw the sea lions. She can't wait until next year's conference.

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Mike has been experimenting with different lighting set ups and Ally is a willing subject albeit for a brief amount of time.

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