
Monday, November 17, 2008

First Snow

Sunday, November 16 marks the first official snow.  At least in my mind - we woke up to about 5 cm and Ally got to shovel the deck for the first time.

Walk around Didsbury

We went for a nice walk this past weekend in Didsbury.  And Mike got some beautiful shots.


Can you count the kids?  There are 4 seriously.

I am going to catch you!

Our good friends Tammy and Ber had twin boys at the end of September.  Ally and I have enjoyed being around babies again.  We went for a nice fall walk on Remberance Day.  Ally got to use her new stroller with her best friend, Ryla.  

Night Away

Our friends Reagan and Marilee were married Nov.1 in Banff.  It was a beautiful wedding and a fabulous night out and away.  Ally stayed with Grandma Jan, while Mike and I partied the night away - well as much as one does 36 weeks pg.  



Ally had a wonderful Halloween.  She had a party for some of her friends, got to wear 2 costumes and answerred the door to the trick or treaters.  I wouldn't let her trick or treat because the rule in our house is if you can't say you can't do it.  She tried really hard to say,"Trick or treat."  Next year she will be able to do it and I think sing the song that goes with it.