
Monday, April 28, 2008

Officially walking!!

Alexandra has finally gained the confidence she needs and has just started walking every where. Crawling is so last week! She still falls alot but she is determined and gets right back up. Below are some pictures of Alexandra walking around the living room after a bath and finally resting in her favorite chair.

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Feeding herself

Alexandra has just started feeding herself with a spoon. She is so proud of herself and will not let you take the spoon away. She makes an incredible mess but has so much fun doing it.

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Auntie Nicole

More pics with Nicole. Alexandra really likes Nicole and wants to sit with her and play but unfortunately that usually bugs Nicole. On this occasion Nicole tolerated Alexandra really well.

Nicole had to take her glasses off because Alexandra kept grabbing them.

Awww.....what a nice hug. Nicole is the only one that Alexandra will willingly go and give hugs and kisses to.

Just like Auntie.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

A great day with the family

Yesterday we were in Didsbury and after dinner we took advantage of the beautiful day (18 degrees!) and all went on a walk stopping at the various parks.

Not the best pic but most of us are here.

Danielle (great pic of her!) and Jason

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More Park

After many tries Alexandra is in love with the swing too! At first she was very scared but now she loves it! She laughed the whole time

Grandpa enjoys the park too!

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At the Park

Alexandra has fallen in love with the slide, she just loves going down. She laughs and says,"Wee!" as she goes down and gets so excited when she gets another turn. Here Aunty Nicole is going with her because the slides are a bit too big.

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Holy Snow!

On Thursday (April 10) Calgary and pretty much only Calgary had a crazy amount of snow fall in about 4 hrs, 23 cm. This is a picture of our cars covered in Snow.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More Walking!

Well, as I'm sure you can tell, we're awfully excited about Alexandra starting to walk. Here is another short video of her, she's getting the knack of it a little better each day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Alexandra has just taken a huge leap forward. She has started taking a couple steps independently, she was sitting on a stool and stood up and took two steps without any encouragement. With encouragement she can take 5 or more. Here is a video of her walking, sorry for the quality it is hard to have a steady hand when you need to catch.